
Saturday, 27 June 2015

Mandatory detention & offshore processing

It is long standing Labor policy since Keating to support mandatory detention of asylum seekers and Tanya supports this.

Further this week there was discovered to be a legal loophole in offshore processing that could make it illegal. Labor and Tanya quickly made an amendment that would allow it to continue:


Blog rationale

I decided to set up this blog to look at the various policy positions Tanya Plibersek has taken in federal politics.

Tanya is deputy leader of the federal Labor party and is sometimes talked about as a potential future leader of the party, possibly prime minister.

Given her importance, my interest in politics, and the fact that I live in her electorate it seemed like a good idea to set up this blog.

My goal is to be as dispassionate as possible. I have no interest in personal matters and consider them to be irrelevant, other than to say that I have met Tanya briefly on a few occasions and consider her to be a kind and considerate person.